This blog has been created as an outlet for North Geelong residents who reside adjacent and nearby to Osborne House and who are affected by noise from the adjacent Industrial Area.
Tuesday, 4 October 2011
Monday night being the 4Th of October through to Tuesday the 5Th the noise appeared to increase its sound and became very loud. Noticed EPA came out to the Nth Geelong Football ground this morning the 5Th and they too would have heard how loud it was in the morning (I think it was around 9.30 - 10) I noticed them. The noise for "day time" was very loud too, it continued during the evening of the 5Th through to today being the 6Th (woke up with noise around 4.00am this morning and couldn't go back to sleep). I can still hear it now (3.45pm)however it is not as much of a intrusion as it is during the evening and early morning. EPA expected to bring out the monitoring box today for a week. Will monitor weather conditions and noise concerns during this time.