About Neighbours Group

This blog has been created as an outlet for North Geelong residents who reside adjacent and nearby to Osborne House and who are affected by noise from the adjacent Industrial Area.  This group was borne out of a desire by this community to reduce their annoyance by nearby industrial noise by working collaboratively with business and government to address noise impacts on them.  Many people in our residents group have previously reported their concerns to either business or EPA and are have been unsatisfied with the ability of their efforts to reduce their noise impacts. This group intends to bring together information and impacts collectively in the one forum. The aim of information shared in this forum is to create a reduction in noise impacts to residents and greater enjoyment of their habitable spaces within and without their residences.

Posts can be made detailing how and when they are affected by noise from the adjacent industrial activities.  This information is intended to communicate current noise impacts and to form a historical record.  This blog will be shared with companies operating industrial facilities in the area and for the environmental regulator EPA Victoria and for officers working in local government. 

The Neighbours Group hopes that information shared via this portal will assist nearby businesses and environmental regulatory authorities to:
A. Indicate business/industry compliance with legal requirements relating to noise, and
B. Monitor business/industry impact on the enjoyment of habitable space at residences.
Posts to this blog will be accepted if contributors reside within the residential area defined as North Geelong and adjacent to the nearby Industrial Area behind Osborne Park and next to the bay. Contributors are reminded that while the nature of their posts will be frustrating as they describe the noise impacts on their lives, all posts must be well mannered, and positively representative of the community that produced them.  This blog is moderated by the Osborne Residents Group President Ms X XX.  X can be contacted on 0403 XXX XXX.