This blog has been created as an outlet for North Geelong residents who reside adjacent and nearby to Osborne House and who are affected by noise from the adjacent Industrial Area.
Thursday, 15 September 2011
September the 15Th, tonight the noise was very loud, perhaps one of the loudest nights to date. We could not sleep and I developed a headache as a result of this humming/fan noise and sleep impact over the last few nights. I reported the noise again to EPA and obtained a reference number expressing my disappointment that I had not heard back in relation to 2 previous calls. The noise persisted so much that my partner went for a drive around 10.30pm and again identified the source, validating the noise location and industry site as Godfrey Hirst. Another call was made to EPA advising them of our findings and we requested action be taken to address these concerns as we are tired of the impact to our family. We are waiting in anticipation for a response to our concerns now, however we have been advised this will take 3 working days. Its been almost 2 weeks since our other call and no feedback relating to the outcome of EPA investigations. I am concerned that the investigations take place during the day and no-one investigates as the incident is occurring, so how can we establish the problem and cause with EPA if they do not send someone out as the incident occurs in the evenings. There is no point to doing investigations if we are not having an impact at the time of the investigation. It needs to be real time or its pointless. Very frustrated and tired.