Last weekend was very bad (I can still hear it tonight). The following is an account:
On Friday there was noise all day (3 Sep 11) that was somewhat masked by daytime noises.
During the day I telephoned Barrett Burston's and Viridian (MHD). BB advised me that he didn't think Barrett Burston was making the noise as they had been operating for many many years without change to systems, he suggested I wander around the area to see if I can detect the source and find the right person to approach. MHD was very nice and open to looking at his operations to see if they were contributing to our disturbance.
By the evening it was very loud and I went out at 7 pm and drove past the industrial facilities to the north of Osborne Park. I went as far as the woodchipping facility past the port entry and stopped my car and turned it off. There were loud trucks operating there driving up and down piles of chips but the noise was different. I then drove to the front and then the side road of Godfrey Hirst and turned off my car and got out. This factory was very loud and the noise was just like the sound that we had been annoyed by at home. I then continued down McLeod Street and turned off the car and got out near the exit of Graincorp, I could still hear the noise from Godfrey Hirst and there was some noise from Graincorp but not nearly as loud or similar to the noise that has been annoying us. I then continued driving continuing to right on McLeod Street and stopped again outside Barrett Burston. This factory was noisy but not as noisy as Godfrey Hirst and had a different type of noise. I then continued on turning right into Mackey Street and stopped outside Viridian Glass (MHD). I listened to the noise from this factory which was producing some noise but not as noisy as Godfrey Hirst. I thought that it was very likely that the noise from Godfrey Hirst was the noise that was annoying us but that perhaps this noise had potential to combine with the lower noises from Barrett Burston and Viridian (MHD)? I'm not sure if these noises combine but would need to investigate on days when we are not annoyed by noise if Godfrey Hirst is or is not operating with very noisy operation. I then got back in my car and drove into Geelong.
I went out for the evening in Geelong and returned home at 10 pm and it was still very noisy. This morning (3 September) I can still hear industrial noise from my home.